Share your Twine Works

The best way to share your Twine works with the world is to host them on your personal website or publish them via, but in case neither of those options are available or preferable, this page will let you share your Twine works with the world, or at least your peers in this class! I've created this upload tool very quickly, so it will probably have problems.

Please enjoy responsibly, and report any weirdness to Zach Whalen.

Step 1: "Publish" your Twine story as an HTML file.

In the Twine editor, "Publish to File" is in the context menu when you click the story name.

Step 2: Compress your file into a ZIP archive.

If your game includes images or other media, include them in the folder with your game file before you ZIP it.

On Windows: Right-click the file or folder you want to compress. Select "Send to," and then select "Compressed (zipped) folder".

On Mac OSX: Right-click the file or folder you want to compress. Select "Compress 'The File or Folder's Name.html'".

Step 3: Complete the form below and upload your ZIP file.

If it works, you'll see it on the list of files to view. If there's an error, you can try again.

Currently there is no way to delete an uploaded file other than contacting me to request deletion.



This webpage is created by Zach Whalen mainly for his students. It's a quick and dirty solution to a small inconvenience.